Tuesday, February 7, 2017


During the super bowl, I text my daughter about Lady Gaga's performance and how she had subtly criticized the policies of the existing man in the white house.  At first her reply startled me.  She replied "Oh, so it was political.  That is why I left."  (She left to go the store.) I sat staring at what she had said for several minutes.  Was my only child turning to the dark side?  Had a conservative virus been injected into her?  I must find a cure.  After all I raised her and opinions and discussion were the norm at our house.

After thinking it over and wondering if I should jump in the car and drive the hour to her house to have the discussion, I settled on just texting back, "Okay," and waited, still wondering where my car keys were.  Then I got this response "You know what I mean it's a lot of people yelling and no one listening."  Ahh, my daughter is still there, forget the car keys.

My response to her was this, "I agree.  I would like to see more reason and thought given to a solution.  The only thing I can say is that change begins with me.  But, I have believed that for a long time.  You (meaning my daughter) taught me that.  You introduced me to people and things that, left on my own, I might not have encountered.  You called me on my attitude and touched my heart.  I carry that every day and I thank you for that.  I have friends who absolutely do not believe the way I do.  It is not my job to change their mind or even try.  It is  my job to speak my own truth.  By that I mean what I believe in my heart to be true.  You helped teach me that."

Her response was a mother's dream, "Wow.  That all goes back to you and the way you raised me.  I think the reason I so tired is that my heart hears what everyone really means and it hurts for them that they can't just say that.  Everyone gets wrapped up in what they think others want them to say."

My response was, " You are absolutely right.  Everyone wants to change every one's mind.  It does not work that way.  Facts can change minds.  Faith changes hearts.  Put the two together and you have an unbeatable combination."

Her response, "Now if humans can overcome their faults instead of giving in to them.  The heart thing has to come first.  People have to stop hearing and talking to be right."

Me, "Yes.  Treating another human being as the Bible says in many places, but everyone seems to forget that.  I don't care if you are Hindi, Muslim, Christian or dog catcher.  What I care about is how do you treat your fellow neighbors, whether you like them or not."

Now I wish for the world to have a conversation with open ears and an open heart.

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