Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Censorship, here?!!!!

A very conservative friend of  mine posted a short little message on FB about upcoming news about major media outlets coming in the next few days.  That sounds pretty ominous to me.

I read a lot of news and I mean a lot, especially for someone who went for years without reading or watching any news.  Now it seems that is all I do and I do not want that messed with.  I don't just read liberal contributors, I read conservative contributors as well.  I want to give myself the illusion I am being fair.  Okay, so I am not fair, but I still want to know what the conservatives are saying.

All of this hype from the guy in the white house has us all wondering about who can we trust and what should we really be listening to or watching.

I do find it convenient that I have my own resident ex-media guy to ask questions of and get input from.  Kind of convenient.  I must say he is more fair than I am most of the time.  He enlightened me that many publishers are conservatives, while many of the reporters they hire are not.  Nice checks and balances system, don't you think.  An amusing side note, he stated that one of the first things one of his publishers said to him was "Don't get me sued."

With that said, the checks and balances in the industry serve as a scale for how close they can come to slander without crossing the line.  Most employers, news or otherwise, do not want to have their money taken by lawyer fees.

Then comes common sense, which sure seems to be lacking these days.  I realize we all want to gather around people who think like us and rally support for our cause or causes, but come on folks, when someone calls everything fake that does not fully support the lies and deception that is being spouted doesn't that send up some red flags?  Apparently not for a lot of people and those people seem so doggone normal on the outside.

Our country was founded by rebels, people seem to forget that. Free speech was written into the constitution as one of our rights.  We have never had to deal with censorship of the press, except by their own internal organization and I do not want it to start now, especially now.

 I have no problem with the conservatives expressing their views, it is their right.  I do take offense at pretty much being called un-American if I do not agree with them.  And, I do take offense that they want my fellow Americans with that same right to be censored.  Not in the America I know and love.

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