Wednesday, January 25, 2017

More scary stuff

Everyday now we see our country turning into something we don't even recognize.  What happened to the words on the Statue of Liberty that so many immigrants gratefully looked at as they entered what they hoped would be their promised land.

Oh, I forgot their skin was the same color as that guy in the white house.  I watched in horror as Jorge Ramos, an award winning journalist was ejected from a Trump news conference last August for trying to ask a question.  Okay, so I am sure it probably had something to do with Trump's stand on racism, which we have now all pretty much come to know.  He is a racist, but the guy was not even civil about it.  He just ejected Mr. Ramos without even hearing the question.  Yeah that is our president.  That is the kind of guy we want to represent us throughout the world.  Considering that most of the population of the world does not have the same color skin we do, not to mention our native American population, who must be scared to death right now.

How do we stop this?  Forget writing to our representatives, their hands seem to be tied or their heads are so far up Trump's butt they cannot see their constituents, much less the rest of those who are shaking our heads in disbelief.

I do not have answers, but I do have a lot of questions.  One is who the heck really elected this guy?  We can blame the Russians, but so far no one has been able to prove that, although I am not sure how hard they are really trying.  And, God knows, if Trump does carry out an investigation how accurate would it be.

The problem is he has lied so much and treated people so badly how can we ever trust him or his party?  It is so doggone sad that we are a great nation, we always have been.  Yes, we have issues but we have always been able to move on and feel proud to be American.  I can truthfully say this is the first time in my 67 years that I have questioned my pride in America.  Not the people, the government.  It has quit working and what seems to be coming next is terrifying.

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