Thursday, January 12, 2017

By the way, sorry about lack of posting of late.  Our modem decided to act silly and we had to figure out what was wrong and then life kind of got in the way, but I am back.  It did give me time to think of some stuff that has been on my mind, so you will get the results of that.

As those of you who may know me can attest I am not the poster child for political correctness.  In most cases I am okay with that.  However, it seems that corporations take political correctness very seriously, as I learned awhile ago.  That being the case, why is our new president not being held to the same standard that every person working for a large corporation is held.

Now, you may say "Well, he is the President and he can say what he wants."  I beg to differ with you on that one.  Seems to me he should be the example of how we should treat our fellow man.  Instead, he gives every excuse in the book as to why his words and actions are okay.  Mostly it is the "unfair" media's fault that he is a putz, according to him.

It amazes me that he can lie to our faces and expect us to believe him.  I suppose to track down all of the facts is time consuming and downright tedious, but come on, some of it is so blatant and obvious it only shows that he thinks we are all morons and he of the big ego is the only one allowed to spout nasty words and gestures about people and get away with it because he is the Pres.

I do not remember when I have been so upset with a president.  This guy was a bullying, egomaniac on his TV show and now he has brought the show to the American people.  I hope the media goes after him with a vengeance.  He deserves it and we deserve better.

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