Sunday, March 19, 2017

Be careful of the lies

Since the budget has come out many of us have been upset, angry, and frustrated  by the cuts and the obvious lack of compassion for programs that affect children, the elderly and the most vulnerable of our society, as well as the arts.

It has taken me a bit to try to digest all of this stuff, especially after the secretary made statements that seemed to be totally without compassion or understanding.  Then it hit me, actually someone made me realize these people are trying to run this country like a business.  You cut spending where there is no profit and you pour money into what will make a profit.  My guy informed me that war has always helped the economy, thus more military spending.  Hmm, the United States as big business.  I suppose it is if you look at it from a purely Chairman of the Board perspective.

The problem I have with this is that most corporations only look at the bottom line, which means dollars.  They rarely look at the hard work and dedication of the people who make that profit for them.  To do that would be far too personal, God forbid that we have compassion for the guy on whose back we are making those bucks.  After all they should be lucky they have a job.

I read an article about a town in Kentucky, (my birth state) that voted for the guy in the White House because he was going to bring jobs to their region.  They are one of the poorest towns in the United States.  They are hard working, good people who happen to live in an area where the economy was based on coal mining.  The coal mines shut down and the jobs went away.  Now they are experiencing the ravages of drug use and poverty, much as inner cities experience.  They feel that the guy in the White House will bring those jobs back to their area and they can get back to being that beautiful, self-sustaining area they felt they once were.

I wish that were true for them.  Since this regime feels as though this country should be run like a corporation and this area of the country obviously does not make a profit and to have them make a profit would take a big investment from some company or companies there is no incentive for the regime to help these people out.  I feel horrible for them because of their predicament, but mostly because they believed a liar and a con man.  Shame on him for preying on the hopes of people who were already down, but that is what he does.

I spoke to a young man today who said even though he did not vote for the guy he liked how he just said things straight up.  I asked him, so you are okay with what he says even though it can be proven to be a lie?  He said, well no, but I like that he says what is on his mind.  I said so you like him even though you and your family are using the ACA, you receive Medicaid, and food stamps, and you get assistance with housing, all programs that would be drastically cut with the new budget.  Well, no he said, I did not think about it that way.  Hmm, I said, maybe you should because if this regime gets their way, you think you struggle now, you have not seen anything yet.  He just looked at me kind of sadly.  

I am so often surprised that the people I talk to who say they either like the guy or want to give him a chance have never read anything about what is really happening in this country right now.  The young man and his family would essentially be fired from this US corporation because they cannot carry their own weight.  Quite compassionate isn't it?

I read that Meals-on-Wheels is getting a huge boost in volunteers since the news came out that their budget would be drastically cut with this new budget.  I am thrilled to hear that since it is a wonderful program that does so much more than just deliver meals.  But there again that boost was caused by this corporation mentality preying on the most vulnerable in our country and good people responding to that attack by picking up the slack.

I think this regime has to realize that the United States is not a corporation.  It is not a for profit company.  You cannot get rid of the "dead weight" by starving them or not educating them or giving them false hope just to further your own selfish greed.  Oh they may believe that you have their good at heart for a bit, but sooner or later they will figure our you have lied to them and then all those people who were thinking you were so great will turn on you quicker than you can go on a golfing weekend and spend hundreds of thousands of their dollars.  And the people in your party will be right along with you, wondering what happened.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Quit telling me to get over it!!!!

By all rights I should be a Republican.  I was raised in a family full of Republicans.  The most influential people in my life were Republican.  But, somewhere along the line I started looking at what they stood for and thought about it long and hard and felt that the party of my family wasn't the party for me.  For a long time I did not even let them know.  I did not want to argue with the people I loved so much.  I did not understand how they could be in favor of so many things that did not have anything to do with human rights and why they felt that building a big military was more important than taking care of poor people.

During these troubled times, many of my friends have been offended by posts I have done relating to the guy in the White House.   Equally, I have been offended by their posts.  Even though I do not understand their opinions they have a right to them.   I decided to blog about my opinions, rather than push them in their face on Facebook.  I decided to start a Facebook page to send all of my opinion filled posts to a place they did not have to look at it, if they did not want to.  And, still, I read their posts filled with insults and telling me to get over it, the guy in the White House is our president.  It does not seem to matter to them that he and the group he surrounds himself with are using the highest office in our government to further their own financial gains or that we have stepped back at least 40 years in the  fight for clean water and educating our children and the future of our country.

I have spoken to several Trump supporters and asked them if they knew who Steve Bannon was and what he believed in, since he is the guy in the White House' chief advisor.  Of those I talked to no one knew anything about him.  They did not know about his other cabinet members who are directly involved in banking with Russians or that the guy in the White House sells property to Russians looking to hide their money.

If you are going to back someone so fully whose agenda seems to be to tear our government apart (and don't misunderstand, I realize there are a lot of flaws in our system), at least read up on what the agenda is.  It certainly is not about making this country great again, it is about getting all the information they can to make themselves richer and insulting the American people's intelligence by feeding them fear and lies.

The Republicans keep telling us to get over it.  Sorry folks, I can't.  If I trusted that this regime was really working for our country it would not matter to me if they were Republican, Democrat or dog walker.  But I cannot get over that our government is being torn apart and reassembled by people whose only goal is their own agenda for their own good not ours.  So please DO NOT ASK ME TO GET OVER IT and please stop insulting people who don't feel the way you do.  And, for goodness sake, please find out more about the people you want us to get over.  That is all I ask, find out more about them.  Not the stuff that you want to believe but the real stuff.  It is available on the Internet as well as in the library.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Don't get distracted

Seems to me while all of us are being distracted by the newest, most outlandish BS to come out of the mouth of the guy in the White House, congress is just sliding one new and outlandish bill after another one through.  Maybe we ought to focus more attention on what they are doing and just keep laughing at the comedian in the White House.

There are some bills coming up that pertain to vouchers for schools, EPA, and budget cuts that sure need our attention.  I have called my congressmen more in the last few weeks than I have in my life.  I think I will put those numbers on speed dial.  It does not seem to do any good, as they have their own agenda and have started wiping out about 40 years of hard work to the environment and schools, but it is still worth a phone call.  At least we know we have tried.

I would actually like to call every congressman and senator in the United States, but I don't think they would listen to someone who is not their constituent or even live in their state.  I keep wondering when the Republicans who do have a moral ethic and are not crazy are going to stand up and say we have had enough.  This guy needs to shut up and go and take his gang of money laundering, philandering, racists with him.  Come on Republicans in office, grow a pair and speak out.  What have you got to lose.  You already look as stupid as he does by backing him.  It might make you look like you were elected for good reason.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

It's driving me nuts!!!

All of this stuff is driving me nuts.  It is obvious that the guy in the White House has been doing business with the Russians and our new Secretary of Commerce helped broker some of the deals.  So pay back for doing that is giving him a job that puts him in a position that allows him to know even more about what countries would make good targets for helping his buddies hide their money.  In the guise of helping our commerce.  Maybe there is more money to be made in money laundering than any of us know, so maybe these guys will figure out how to help the US become a money laundering capitol.  The Camen Islands would have nothing compared to us.  Oh boy, and how does that help our citizens, who knows but I am sure they will tell us or not.

And how about that speech the guy in the White House gave last night.  Sorry folks I could not make myself watch it.  I got physically ill when I saw him entering the chamber.  I felt like he had just defiled a sacred shrine of democracy, something he does not even believe in.  He and his buddy Steve were probably whooping it up and high-fiving each other after the speech last night.  Yep, they really pulled one over on us.  They got a sows ear to look like a silk purse with a good speech writer and a teleprompter and the Republicans ate it up, like pigs in slop.  That's our guy.  See he can be civil.

Sorry folks I am not buying it.  You can try to make him sound legitimate.  You can dress him up, send him to charm school, and give him a good speech writer, but he is still a con man, a fake, and a fascist.

When he gets his wall built, and his military beefed up, and his tax cuts to his rich buddies, and then declares martial law, so that we are under his complete and total power I suppose some of these crazy people will wonder what happened, but it has been there all along.  He has been following a blueprint for making a new government that he and Steve Bannon cooked up, probably along with their other power hungry cronies long before the election happened.

Who, what, where, and when those are the questions we should be asking ourselves and making our congress answer, not even trying to reconcile differences.  The differences in these people are far too right to be even included in a conversation about reconciliation with people who consider themselves true Americans.  Was there ever talk of reconciliation with Hitler, nope.  And they will not stop until they have us all under control and wearing the black pajamas.  I never did like pajamas, black or otherwise.